Physicians oppose the president’s healthcare law

During the weeks leading up to the Supreme Court arguments over the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the President’s health care law, Senator Coburn engaged the nation’s largest online physician community,, in a survey asking doctors for their input on the impact of the law on the quality of the practice of medicine for patients, the deficit, and taxpayers. The non-scientific poll found 75 percent of physicians largely oppose the President’s health care law.

During the weeks leading up to the Supreme Court arguments over the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the President’s health care law, Senator Coburn engaged the nation’s largest online physician community,, in a survey asking doctors for their input on the impact of the law on the quality of the practice of medicine for patients, the deficit, and taxpayers. The non-scientific poll found 75 percent of physicians largely oppose the President’s health care law.

“It is significant that our nation’s physicians – not merely Washington lobbying organizations claiming to represent physicians – oppose the President’s health care law. For instance, the American Medical Association supported the President’s plan yet now we see that 75 percent of actual physicians oppose the law. Physicians oppose the law for a simple reason: they know it will not work and will ultimately harm patients. Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules, these results further illustrate why Congress should repeal this flawed law and replace it with one that will work.” – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D.

Other notable findings include:

  • 79 percent believe the law will increase the deficit
  • 59 percent believe the law does not accomplish the goal of achieving real, sustainable, affordable health reform that is sustainable for patients, physicians, and taxpayers
  • 65 percent rated Congress’ ability to listen to the perspective of physicians about health care policy as very poor
  • 96 percent do not think the majority of politicians in the House and Senate understand the challenges in American health care
  • 80 percent believe IPAB will cut reimbursement rates to providers and therefore harm beneficiary access
  • 77 percent think the federal government should decrease its involvement in and regulation of health care in America

Polls have shown us that Americans trust their physician’s advice more than they trust Congress. Since the passage of the President’s health care law, the American people continue to be divided about the law. Many are deeply concerned about how the law will impact them personally, and are looking for answers. As the Supreme Court’s healthcare law hearings come to an end, it may be more important now than ever before to consider the overwhelming majority of doctors who have voiced serious concerns with the law, and allow the American people to base their opinion of the law on sound advice from medical professionals. is a physicians-only site that allows practicing physicians to engage in discussion with their peers, promote patient safety and public health, and forecast any potential problems in the field of medicine.