Global Treatment Patterns Reveal Steady Decline in Hydroxychloroquine Usage and Consistent Increase in Remdesivir Usage in ICU Setting
Press Releases: COVID-19
Doctors discuss Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
Survey Data and Experiences in Other Countries Suggest United States Could See Surge in Cases of Pediatric Disease Linked to COVID-19
Oxygen therapy delays intubation, but aerosolizes Covid
34% of COVID-19 treating physicians still believe ventilators are used too rapidly according to their hospital protocols
67% of doctors say Remdesivir should be administered earlier
75% of global physicians treating COVID-19 rate Remdesivir with low to moderate efficacy and find current Remdesivir indication confusing
Plasma perceived as most effective treatment for the last five weeks
Physicians see false negative tests and Covid re-infections
As States Ease Up on Restrictions, Accurate Testing and Tracing are Critical to Stopping Disease Spread and Virus Reinfection
COVID-19 treatment trends over 6 weeks and 33,700 interviews
High demand for Plasma and Remdesivir
Currently, 55% of global physicians use Hydroxychloroquine, 24% use Tocilizumab, 21% use Remdesivir, 17% use Plasma
Experienced COVID treaters say COVID is an “oxygen failure”
Physicians share insights on potential new clinical guidelines, ventilation protocol changes and alternative oxygen therapies
Korea, China, Japan report lowest COVID cases in doctors
Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Ohio Have Seen Sharpest Increase In Physicians Reporting Infections Among HCP Colleagues; Globally, Russia, Mexico, Brazil & Great Britain Have Seen Sharpest Increase
52% of US physicians say country has reached outbreak peak
Majority of Physicians in Many COVID-19 Hotspots Including Korea, Spain, China and Italy Believe Their Countries Have Passed or Reached Outbreak Peak
Kentucky is the Only US State Where More Than 50% of Physicians Recommend Lifting Restrictions Within 2 Weeks
Sermo reports jury is still out on Remdesivir effectivenes
Plasma rated as most safe and effective treatment; 57% of physicians who have used Plasma rate it as highly effective; 60% rate it as safe
Efficacy of treatments as seen by 430 COVID Supertreaters (physicians who’ve treated 20+ COVID patients)
2/3 of U.S. physicians say COVID-19 testing is subpar
As of April 15, 30% of U.S. physicians vs. 60% in Europe reported getting test results back within a day
1/4 of doctors say HCPs should take hydroxychloroquine
Sermo’s Barometer studies have polled over 20,000 physicians globally regarding COVID-19