![White Dot Syndrome](https://www.sermo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/whitedotsyndrome-690x518.jpg)
~ White Dot Syndrome – a patient case shared on Sermo by an Ophthalmologist in the US
A 32-year-old Caucasian male presented to my office for a second opinion with a rapid decrease in vision in his right eye that began 6 weeks ago. His PMH is significant for possible Crohn’s disease. His BCVA in the right eye is 20/400 eccentrically and 20/20 in left eye. He saw a retinal specialist and recieved one injection of Avastin for CRNV. There is a large central lesion with about 10 small midperipheral white dot lesions. He has no signs of iritis, uveitis or other systemic complaints. FA, ERG, and bloodwork are pending.
Any thoughts on what this is and what treatment options if any would be recommended?
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