Doctors discuss obesity with patients

Discussing Obesity with Patients

Being overweight has become an epidemic, with 711 million overweight worldwide. Obesity – having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above – has more than doubled since 1980, and according to the World…

White Dot Syndrome

Patient Case: White Dot Syndrome

~ White Dot Syndrome – a patient case shared on Sermo by an Ophthalmologist in the US A 32-year-old Caucasian male presented to my office for a second opinion with a rapid decrease in vision in…

Child with ADHD

The Case of 7-Year-Old Billy with ADHD

~ By a Pediatrician in Australia Many kids (and adults) have no filter and just say whatever comes into their heads or is on their mind. People with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do so even…

Blueberry muffin baby

Could this be a Blueberry Muffin Baby?

~ By a retired Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist in Canada A recent patient case on Sermo reminded me of seeing an 11-day-old baby with reddish-blue skin lesions and mild hepatomegaly. This presentation reminded me of a…

Toddler with enucleated eye

Unfortunately it wasn’t Kawasaki disease

A pediatric hematologist-oncologist in Canada recalls a case where she witnessed a sad progression and tragic outcome of a toddler’s condition. A little girl with metastatic retinoblastoma came from another province to our Retinoblastoma Center…

A patient in a hospital bed receiving IV treatment, with someone in blue gloves adjusting the drip as they monitor symptoms.

71-Year-Old Woman Who Says She Is Dead

A psychiatrist from Spain was involved in a case where an elderly woman experienced a startling deterioration in spirit, activity, and health. Read about her symptoms and then login to Sermo to offer your insights.…