New Insight and Understanding of Fragile X

Fragile X-associated disorders (FXD) are among the most common inherited causes of intellectual disability. A new supplement dedicated to FXD was published in Pediatrics on June 1st. Funded by the CDC, this supplement contains some…

White Dot Syndrome

Patient Case: White Dot Syndrome

~ White Dot Syndrome – a patient case shared on Sermo by an Ophthalmologist in the US A 32-year-old Caucasian male presented to my office for a second opinion with a rapid decrease in vision in…

Sunscreen myths

Sunscreen Myths Busted By a Dermatologist

~ By a dermatologist in Italy When it comes to sunscreens, what are your patients really worried about? Summer is here and parents are worried about sun protection. Or are they? Interestingly, there is a…

CDC complexities of syphilis

Understanding the Complexities of Syphilis

April is STD Awareness Month.  Over the month, the CDC will be presenting a series of posts around this year’s theme, “Syphilis Strikes Back” to help inform you about real-life implications for your practice and…

Child with ADHD

The Case of 7-Year-Old Billy with ADHD

~ By a Pediatrician in Australia Many kids (and adults) have no filter and just say whatever comes into their heads or is on their mind. People with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do so even…