Shared by a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon in the US A doctor shares a patient case about a 40-year-old male patient, who presents with asymptomatic but slowly growing subcutaneous mass in left lower leg for…
~ By Dr. Anthony Pearson For those of us over age 55 years there is a lifetime risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF) of 37%. And with AF comes a 5 fold risk of stroke which can…
A controversial study recently came out, detailing the facts surrounding researchers who constructed an infectious horse pox virus vaccine from chemically synthesized DNA fragments. The study raised flags of alarm, as fellow researchers grew concerned that terrorists could hypothetically…
Sermo prides itself on being the #1 social network for doctors and being the place where doctors from all around the world can post their most difficult patient cases and get help from thousands of…
Shared by a General Practice physician from the Dominican Republic Male patient of 36 years of age. He presents an Erythematous vesicular lesion of 2 weeks evolution of pruritic character… No fever or general malaise.…
Ask and Tell By Lealah Pollock, MD In the United States, one in five people newly diagnosed with HIV is a woman. [1] A disproportionate amount of these diagnoses are among women of color and most…
Shared by a Gastroenterologist in Germany A physician shares a patient case about a young man (44 y. old, chronic alcohol abuser) presenting with haematemesis and haematochezie. The EGD revealed an incomplete Boerhaave syndrome by…
Animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and test the safety of medical products. Many of these experiments cause pain, a decreased quality of life, and often death in the animal subjects. While experimenters…
Shared by an Italian doctor specializing in Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine I want to describe to you the case of a 17-year-old woman with a suspected but unconfirmed diagnosis of endobronchial endometriosis. Her clinical history…
We all have our preconceived notions of what it must be like to be a doctor, but on Sermo we get to hear the truth from physicians themselves! Doctors on Sermo recently were asked to…
Last week, people all over the world celebrated Valentine’s Day. Celebration usually consists of spending time with a significant other, but many opted to celebrate with friends or just by loving themselves! In spirit of…
A recent report on Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) highlights the issue of prescription drug “sticker shock” experienced by patients picking up prescriptions. Without knowing in advance what the prescription would cost, or whether or not it would…