A new study recently suggested that multitasking may be bad for the brain: people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memory, or switch from one task…
April is Nation Donate Life Month, which consists of regional and national activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ donors and potentially save lives. 116,000+ people are on the national transplant waiting list,…
April is STD Awareness Month. Over the month, the CDC has been presenting a series of posts around this year’s theme – Treat Me Right – which focuses on the important relationship between healthcare providers…
Depression has become so prevalent in our society that many argue that it is an epidemic. In fact, 20 percent of the American population will experience at least one episode of what we refer to as clinical depression.…
April is STD Awareness Month. Over the month, the CDC has been presenting a series of posts around this year’s theme – Treat Me Right – which focuses on the important relationship between healthcare providers…
Every Friday, in an effort to showcase the positive things that are happening in doctors’ lives, Sermo publishes a post called In Good Condition. In Good Condition is a weekly forum for doctors to share…
April is STD Awareness Month. Over the next month, the CDC will present a series of posts around this year’s theme – Treat Me Right – which focuses on the important relationship between healthcare providers…
~ By Dr. Anthony Pearson In October of 2016 the Amplatzer PFO Occluder device (St. Jude Medical) was approved by the FDA for “percutaneous transcatheter closure of PFOs in patients, presumably between the ages of 18…
Shared by a US physician with the Floating Doctors A 49-year old male with no past medical history presents with a one week history of macerated skin with fissures and minimal serosanguineous exudate in bilateral popliteal…
It’s accepted as common practice that one should always put safety first and wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, bicycle, or skateboard, but what about the importance of wearing a helmet on the ski…
~ By Dr. Anthony Pearson For reasons that are unclear to me, ICD-10 was foisted on physicians in 2015 and mandated by CMS. Now, when classifying heart failure one is consistently badgered by hospital coding monitors…
We recently published a post asking physicians about the stories behind their scars. One doctor commented about a scar left behind after having a tumor removed, and another doctor commented to ask if they’d been allowed to keep the…