A large group of people kneeling and holding signs in a peaceful protest against racism on a city street, surrounded by trees and buildings.

Racism and Public Health—Sermo Doctors Respond

As protests continue in America and around the world, George Floyd’s death has triggered a response from the medical community. Doctors’ groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the…

A grayscale image captures a person wearing a white face mask, likely due to the coronavirus, seated in front of a computer screen displaying data, while a bulletin board looms in the background.

Physicians fear new coronavirus outbreaks

Recently the CDC warned that a winter outbreak may be worse than the current pandemic—especially given that it would coincide with the flu. In a poll of 1,350+ Sermo physicians, 69% agreed with this warning.…

In uncertain times, a doctor in a white coat and stethoscope navigates telemedicine using a smartphone.

Telemedicine Explodes In These Uncertain Times

Given the state of the world, many doctors are now using telemedicine to see their patients for routine checkups. This trend is being embraced by physicians and patients alike during this time of self-isolation and…

A close-up captures a person wearing a light green surgical mask, reflecting the ongoing medical shortages during COVID-19. Their blue eyes peek over the mask with a neutral expression, revealing resilience shared by physicians worldwide.

COVID-19 Medical Shortages Plague Physicians

Shortages of everything from hospital beds to face masks, testing kits to medications continue to hinder the fight against COVID-19. Our polls have confirmed that Sermo doctors are personally experiencing these alarming shortages, and are…