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Sermo doctors support the FDA’s EUA for convalescent plasma

A person wearing a mask and gloves holds a blood sample tube labeled "COVID-19 blood test," with a positive result indicated, as doctors prepare to explore convalescent plasma treatment options.

According to the US FDA, more than 70,000 patients had been treated with convalescent plasma. This week the agency granted Emergency Use Authorization for convalescent plasma to treat Covid-19. In a poll of 285 global Sermo physicians, 71% believe this EUA was justified. 

While 73% support the FDA’s statement that “known and potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks of the product,” 78% also believe we don’t really have enough data to understand how effective convalescent plasma is. And 80% believe that to truly understand a treatment’s success, we need a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial that randomly chooses who gets the treatment and who doesn’t. 

Regardless of the debate over the EUA, 93% believe that convalescent plasma could be potentially effective in treating Covid-19. Here’s more of what Sermo doctors have to say on this topic: