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HIV and AIDS disproportionately affect blacks and latinos

World Aids Day is an international day of observance to raise awareness for the AIDS pandemic and to mourn those who have died. AIDS has killed over 35 million people worldwide. Now, UNAIDS projects that the Covid-19 pandemic may set back progress on HIV by an entire decade.

While 2019 saw a 23% decline in new HIV infections since 2010, the pandemic is disrupting the progress of diagnosing and treating the virus. In addition, there is still no vaccine, and no cure, and AIDS still disproportionately affects Black and Latino populations. 

In a poll of 340+ Sermo physicians, 68% expressed alarm over the UNAIDS projection that the Covid-19 pandemic may set back progress on HIV by an entire decade; and 33% have personally witnessed a disruption in diagnosing and treating AIDS due to Covid-19. Eighty-four percent said governments need to re-prioritize other pandemics and health conditions, alongside Covid-19. In regards to AIDS disproportionately affecting Black and Latino populations—similar to the data we are seeing for Covid-19—74% believe this disparity needs to be urgently addressed.

Here’s more of what Sermo doctors have to say on this topic:

It is difficult, but helping the peoples of the third and fourth worlds must be a priority on the part of the rich and developed nations.


Less attention has been paid to AIDS and other diseases with the appearance of COVID 19 and this can cause a catastrophe due to the rebound in these diseases.

Pediatrics (excluding surgery)

The research of immunology vaccines of any disease sometimes results in useful practices for other diseases. So, if we are paying attention to cured for COVID 19 some of the novel therapies and vaccines may help patients with HIV as well. At least it may discover new ways of looking at cures like RNA splicing, antibody use, etc.

Pediatrics (excluding surgery) – Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine

COVID and HIV, like other pandemic-endemics, should be managed universally without borders, without distinction of races and especially without the economic limitations of some countries.

General Surgery